Author Archive for Jim Spadaccini

New Features Added to ExhibitFiles

ExhibitFiles is an NSF-sponsored community site for exhibit designers and developers. Together with Project Directors Wendy Pollock and Kathleen McLean, as well as a dedicated group of advisors, Ideum has helped develop and operate the site. Over the past few years, we’ve seen the community site grow from a couple dozen people to nearly 1,600 members and there are now over 200 member-contributed exhibit case studies and reviews. Last week, we rolled out some new features, including improvements to the Members section,…

BP Oil Spill Multitouch Map Mashup

BP Oil Spill Multitouch Map Mashup

Just like everyone else over the last two months, we’ve watched the continuing oil spill in Gulf of Mexico with a sense of helplessness and despair. Not only did has this unnecessary accident taken…

Why Apple Closed off the iPhone and iPad to Flash Developers

A lot has been said about Apple’s closed-door policy in regards to Flash development for the iPad and iPhone. I’m not talking about Apple supporting Flash on the devices but rather the decision to close off the Apple Store to apps created in Adobe’s CS5. Several reasons Apple’s decision have been cited: Apple would have to deal a flood of apps in their store, third-party authoring will lead to substandard apps and will “hinder the progress of the platform,” or Flash apps…

Oakland Museum 2.0

Oakland Museum 2.0

This weekend was Oakland Museum’s non-stop, 31 hour opening celebration. I was lucky enough to get a preview on Thursday and it is an impressive redesign effort. The Gallery of California History and…

Case Study on L.A. Zone Multitouch, Multiuser Exhibit on ExhibitFiles

I just posted a case study on the ExhibitFiles website. It examines the L.A. Zone multitouch table exhibit that we developed with California Science Center and details some of the design considerations we encountered in putting this multi-user exhibit together. You can read the complete case study here. This custom exhibit was built using Adobe Flash with our Gestureworks multitouch framework and runs on our MT-50 multitouch table. There’s also more information about this exhibit on our portfolio page: “Visitors Explore…