Author Archive for [email protected]

More Photos of the Zuni Dancers at Chaco Canyon

Here are more photographs of the Cellicion Traditional Zuni Dancers celebrating the Summer Solstice at Chaco Canyon National Historical Park. To witness the dances at Chaco was an amazing experience. As Fernando Cellicion, Director of the dance group, noted, “it is hard to describe the feeling that we have dancing at the same place where the same thing was happening thousands of years ago.” Raydean Johnson (foreground) peforms the Turkey Dance. Also pictured: Belyle Johnson and Alexandra Nastacio. Raydean Johnson…

Ideum’s New Portfolio: Technical Aspects

Flash is a great technology for presenting information to the user in an interesting, fun, functional and predictable way. It’s installed on nearly every internet-capable machine on the planet, and it’s perfect for deploying a rich media-driven experience. Despite its advantages the system has several noticeable drawbacks. Current cross platform support is uneven (although Flash 9 promises support for Linux, Mac, and Windows), textual content is displayed using a flash-specific renderer (native OS/WM text support is more functional, IMHO), and…

RailsConf 2006 or: How I Learned to Stop Wasting Time and Love Web Programming.

Last month I had the good fortune of attending RailsConf 2006 in Chicago, the first official international conference dedicated to Ruby on Rails. For those of you who are out of the web development loop, Ruby on Rails (or simpy Rails) is an open source web application framework written in the Ruby programming language. In short, the Rails framework gives developers the power to create powerful web applications quickly and sustainably using much less…

A Better Online Community Through Membership

A List Apart recently published this intersting article, Anonymity and Online Community: Identity Matters, on the importance of user identity in an online community. The article surveys various methodologies from total anonymity to robust mebership systems. John M. Grohol, the author, ends the discussion with six recommendations on how to create a better community through memership. This was a very timely read for me, because we are in the beginning stages of designing an online community for a project we’re working on.

Museums on the Web Recap

Last week Museums on the Web Conference (MW) was held here in New Mexico right across the Rio Grande in downtown Albuquerque. We were glad for its proximity, because not only would we not have to travel far (really no travel at all), we were also able to invite the conferences attendees to celebrate our new studio in Corrales, New Mexico. It was very hectic in the studio in the weeks leading up to the conference — there was a lot of prep work…

So you want to build a Yahoo Widget…

Developing the Solar-Viewer was fun. I was surprised at how native the widget environment seemed to be, though there were a few quirks. If you have some knowledge of XML and Javascript, you will be able to build a widget as well. The widget engine is well documented and you will want to take a look at the development tools and references that Yahoo provides. Definitely print out and read the Widget Creation Tutorial, we…