Ideum’s multitouch hardware can display a world of applications, from custom museum exhibits to packaged business software. Ideum will be featuring a number of different software packages, here on our blog, that work well with all of our hardware: the first is Live Earth.
Live Earth is a software package Ideum finds particularly compelling as it effectively brings a world of information to your fingertips. It combines multiple live feeds, such as transportation updates (planes, ships, and buses), weather, social media and CCTV video. Live Earth also has an instant-replay feature, allowing you to revisit a place in time. It’s interface is designed for large, responsive touch displays. It includes pinch and zoom, pan and tilt in 3D, and play and pause–all with the touch of a finger. All this is made even better with Ideum’s latest 3M™ touch screens–with 80 touch points, they are the most responsive touch screens available. Check out Ideum’s Presenter video or read our white paper to see just how responsive our latest generation of displays are.
The possibilities are endless with Ideum’s hardware. Visit our website to find more about our multitouch tables and touch walls. (Please note: Live Earth software is sold separately.)
Learn more and contact Live Earth for a demo at