Ideum will have two interactives at this year’s Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta! Ideum is proud to work on these local projects and to provide rented hardware for the Balloon Fiesta project. All hardware and custom software is built right here in Corrales, New Mexico! The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is on from October 1-9.
Ideum, in collaboration with the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, designed an interactive hot air balloon game to engage children and adult of all ages. The interactive is an up to 6 player Hot Air Balloon Target Competition game. The aim is for each player to strategically pilot their balloon to the Balloon Fiesta Park by flying at the correct altitude with wind directions that will guide them to the field where they try to drop their baggie as close to the target as possible. The player with their baggie closest to the center of the target gets the most points. The game successfully demonstrates what is known as the “Albuquerque Box,” which is the relationship between altitude and wind direction, and why Albuquerque is such a great place for flying balloons. The interactive is installed on a Platform 65” rented table.
The Hot Air Balloon Target Competition interactive will be in the 7-Eleven Balloon Discovery Center throughout the 2016 Balloon Fiesta!
Balloon Fiesta team members trying out the Hot Air Balloon Target Competition Game.
A second interactive developed with the Anderson-Abruzzo Albuquerque International Balloon Museum will be previewed during this year’s Balloon Fiesta at the museum. Visitors will be able to design their own balloon, and then launch it into Albuquerque’s famous “box”–a weather phenomenon that makes ballooning so popular here! This interactive will be just one piece of a new permanent exhibition at the museum called The Weather Lab, opening early 2017. The Weather Lab’s mission is to bring STEM education into the museum by providing an immersive learning experience all about the science of weather.
Contact our sales team today to create custom interactive experiences for your next event!