As we mentioned back in June (see post: The New Cooper-Hewitt Experience), we are building first-of-their-kind 4K UHD 55″ and 84″ multitouch tables for the Cooper-Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum. These tables have projected capacitive touch technology and have built NFC stations, allowing visitors to “check in” with a specialized stylus pen. This allows visitors to personalize and customize their experience at the museum.
The 84″ 4K UHD touch tables have support up to 40 touch points and have 10 NFC stations supporting multiple simultaneous visitors. Ideum has developed four of these massive systems along with four similar, but smaller, 55″ 4K multitouch tables and a few 55″ 4K wall mounts. These cutting-edge systems are fabricated out of aluminum and each one is a turnkey, lockable system.
Several tons of hardware left our Corrales Studios Monday and Tuesday bound for NYC this week!
The 84″ 4K touch tables during final testing and burn in at Ideum’s production studio in Corrales.
These new touch tables are a critical part of the Cooper Hewitt’s renovation, which will offer 60 percent more gallery space along with a more participatory museum experience. Along with the team at Cooper Hewitt, we’ve worked with Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Local Projects, and Make Simply. You can learn more about the New Cooper Hewitt Experience on their website.
We will post more photographs once the systems are in place and we get closer to the opening. The New Cooper Hewitt Experience will be open to the public on December 12, 2014. You can see more photographs of the development of these advanced touch tables on Flickr.
The design for these new, custom touch tables are based on our current line of multitouch table products.