Category Archive for The Web 2.0

Radical Trust: Presentation and Blogger Meet Up

Yesterday, Seb Chan from Powerhouse Museum and I presented our paper, Radical Trust: The State of the Museum Blogosphere at the Museums and the Web conference. Following the presentation we had a lunchtime meet up and discussion about the future of museums and blogging. It was nice meet many of the folks beyond the blogs that I’m so familiar with. Here’s a round up of resources and posts from the session. Radical Trust: The State of the Museum Blogosphere (the paper on the MW…

Real Science 2.0: Interacting with Scientific Imagery and Live Data

Today I’m conducting two half-day workshops at the Museums and the Web Conference in San Francisco. This blog post contains the workshop description and the course materials for Real Science 2.0, there’s another post for Museum Mashups. In case you’re wondering, the colorful image of the Pacific Ocean on the left comes from NASA’s SeaWIFS and MODIS/Aqua missions. The bright colors show chlorophyll concentrations in the water. Workshop Description Originally developed as tool to help scientists share information,…

Museum Mashups

Today I’m conducting two half-day workshops at the Museums and the Web Conference in San Francisco. This blog post contains the workshop description and the course materials for Museum Mashups, there’s another post for Real Science 2.0: Interacting with Scientific Imagery and Live Data. The image on left is a termite “catherdral” mound, an example of the theory of emergence in nature. I decided to use this image after rading Alex Iskold’s article on Yahoo! Pipes, where he talks about emergence (part of…

ExhibitFiles: BETA on April 23rd

Three weeks from today the ExhibitFiles website will be publicly available. This National Science Foundation-sponsored Website will allow exhibit developers to “connect with colleagues, find out about exhibits, and share experiences.” For over a year now we’ve been working with our partners at the Association of Science-Technology Centers and Independent Exhibitions to design this community site. We’ve had a great group of advisors and we’ve also received helpful comments through the ExhibitFiles Development blog. The site is being…

Radical Trust: The State of the Museum Blogosphere

Our paper summarizing the findings from the first museum blog survey is now available on the Museums and the Web 2007 website. Seb Chan from Powerhouse Museum and I conducted the survey back in December. For our presentation at the conference in San Francisco, we’ll discuss what these results mean and take another look at museum blogs to see how things have changed even over the last few months. For those of you attending, we’ll also be having a meet up of…

The Tech Museum on YouTube

Late last Fall we posted of number video clips we developed with The Tech Museum of Innovation up on YouTube. Admittedly, it was an afterthought, as we originally began work with the Tech on the Understanding Genetics website years before YouTube was much of a force. The video clips in question, came from interviews I conducted at the Future of Science Conference in Venice back in September. The interviews were with an amazing group; Daniel Dennett, Peter Atkins, Marc Hauser, and Ian…

New and improved Museum Blogs directory

We finally carved out the time to make some very necessary changes to the Museum Blogs directory and aggregator. The site is a customized WordPress application with quite a bit of additional coding to make it all work. We’ve added pagination, integrated a Google Co-op search, and we have greatly improved the “auto aggregator.” The site now can handle RSS 1.0 and 2.0, along with Atom syndication. This major improvement in syndication has increased the number of posts in the site, there are…

Mashup of the Day and other thoughts

KQED Quest is the Mashup of the Day on the Programmable Web site, the authoritative directory of mashups and Web 2.0 APIs (application programming interface). Two other Ideum design sites appear in the directory as well: The American Image: The Photographs of John Collier Jr. and Recycle Torrance. As the Programmable Web shows, we are not alone in experimenting with mashups, the number continues to rise and recently surpassed 1,500 mashups. While we’re on the topic, a…

Museum Blogs – Google Co-op Search Engine

With 113 museum blogs now listed in the MuseumBlogs directory we’ve thinking about the next steps for the site. It is in need of a redesign to accomodate the large number of blogs that have been added recently, there were only around 30 when it launched early last summer. Since this is an “unfunded” project, we don’t always the time we’d like to work on it. As part of redesign, a simple tool we’ve been experimenting with is Google Custom Search Engines, known as…